Monday, February 27, 2012

Basic Tips for Planning a Wedding

Planning a wedding should be fun and exciting. However, if you don't do the proper research and stay within your budget things can go bad in a hurry. What you need is to keep things well organized and simple. Here are some tips to help make sure your weeding plans go smoothly.

1. The first thing you should decide is how big and complex you want your wedding to be. Do you want a small wedding? Or would you rather have a big wedding? You need to make sure both you and your partner are on the same page and agree on things. Prepare to make some compromises.
2. Decide on a good theme for your wedding. This includes how people will dress, food, location, and decorations.
3. How much can you really afford. There is no reason to go all out on a wedding if you cant afford it. This could lead to some really big problems with your families and you as a couple.
4. Do you want to hire a wedding planner? Wedding planners are certainly great and do a good job. But there not necessary either. Be sure if you do hire one that they don't get you spending allot more money then you originally planned.
5. Don't wait to long to get your plans in order. This is something that you must start taking care of. Start booking locations, getting invitations ready, and find your dress. Planning a wedding takes time and work. You need to set a date and get at it. If you don't you might find a year or two go by and your still not married.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Living in LOVE : Remembering Why You Married

The kids are yelling, the dog is barking, and you just found out that your spouse forgot to do the one thing that you needed them to do today...again! This scenario may sound typical for your family, or your scenario could be worse. Maybe you and your spouse are arguing more and more, and connecting less and less? You may have even asked yourself, "Is this marriage a mistake?". Though you knew your life wouldn't be like the Brady Bunch, you may find yourself surprised at just how much work a marriage can be - and its twice as hard if only one person is working at it.

If this is your situation, ask yourself why you married your spouse? I know it sounds silly, but really...why did you marry them? "Because we were in love"- well, that's the easy answer-go deeper. See, life are born, cars breakdown, jobs are lost, and through all of the ups and downs that are inevitable, its important that you remember why you married this person.


    Think of the first time you saw your spouse. What is one thing that stood out to you about them?
    Remember one time when you were sad, angry or disappointed and your spouse really came through for you. What happened? How did it make you feel?
    What is one thing funny thing you know about your spouse that no one else knows?
    Think back to your single life, before you met your spouse. What was it like? Now, really think - what is one small thing your spouse does to make you happy that you are here and not back there?
    Remember a time when your spouse did something out of the ordinary and surprised you. What did that moment feel like?
    Remember the first time you saw your spouse holding your child. How did that make you feel?


    In a quiet time when both you and your spouse are sitting together, bring up your first date. Bring up your happiest memories of this day.
    Think of a funny story about when you first were married - good choices are dinners gone bad, ruined laundry, etc.
    Talk about when you first became parents. What were your fears and hopes. Mention something positive about their parenting, and their connecting to your children.


    If you eat dinner infront of the TV, stop. Gather together at the table with the TV's off, so you can actually connect to your family rather than 'veg out'.
    Be nice. Okay, sometimes that's easier said than done, but a little sweetness can go a long way. When you get up or go to another room, ask, "Can I get you anything?"
    Be forgetful. Don't remember every little thing your spouse has done that irritates you. Sometimes we hold on to the past because it feels familiar. Its not fair to hold the past against your spouse, and its not fair for them to do it to you. If they do, lead by example. Once they see you letting go of the past, they will also. As long as they know you are holding on to the past for future fight ammunition, they will do the same.
    Touch. Place your hand on your spouse's hand; lay your arm across their shoulders. An innocent touch can be just the softness and connection that your spouse is looking for.
    Overlook. There is nothing gained by pointing out all of your spouse's short comings, and when they have made a mistake don't use it as an opportunity to put them down. Surprise them by 'not noticing' their mistake. No one likes to have their mistakes pointed out to them. We are all adults, and its likely that they are already aware of what they've done.

The point is, take some time to remember why you are in this marriage, take some self control and control your end of the marriage, and take the gloves off. Your spouse is not your enemy, and remember though children are the products of marriage, they are not the glue that holds a marriage is.

Living in love with your spouse can sometimes be challenging, and that's okay- that's why the vows read for better, or for worse. With a little bit of effort on your part, and a partner that really loves you it is absolutely possible to live in love, and that is not only a great gift to yourself and your spouse. Living in love is a wonderful gift to your children.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Planning Your Wedding - How To Get Organized

You have purchased the latest bridal magazines from your local grocery store and there are pages and pages of photos of beautiful wedding gowns, rings and articles on weddings. Some give you a brief idea of what you need to do to plan your wedding, but you're still not sure how to begin the process.

The key is to start organizing and planning earlier than later.
You first need to create a system to keep all the details in one place. You may choose to use a binder with a tab for each category you will be using. Examples of categories are: Bakery, Ceremony, Catering, Florist, Music, Reception, Photography, Transportation. An accordion file is another choice, using the same category tabs. You will be able to see each category at a glance.
Whichever system you choose, use it to keep track of all receipts, pictures, brochures, business cards etc. that is related to each category.
Once you have your system in place, you can then do some research. There are many wedding planning books out in the market, even online websites (like this one). Visit your local bookstore or library to pick up a book to help your with the entire planning process.
Find a "wedding timetable" layout. This timetable will include a list of to-do's for the entire months/year before the big day. Some of the first things on this timeline may be: Consulting with fiancé and parents to decide budget and financial support. Another may be deciding the number of guests to invite to your big day (always dependent on budget $$ available), deciding what type of wedding - formal or informal or even interviewing wedding coordinators. This timetable is a basic guideline. You can recreate on your computer to fit your wedding and time line.
Once you have an idea of all the details involved in planning a wedding and all the dedicated time you will have to spend, you can start recruiting help from family and friends. Delegate tasks to help you check off all the to-do's on your list and by the time you know it, it's wedding day.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wedding Photography: Preserving the Memories

A person's wedding can be one of the most important times in their life. They will have memories that they want to treasure forever and then pass on to their children. Wedding photography helps them do this. Having pictures taken at the wedding and then at the reception can capture those precious memories in freeze-frame and help you keep them forever.
Pictures are important so you want to be sure you get good photos, high quality photos that you can enjoy forever.

Most people will have a wedding book designed out of the collection of the best wedding photos. Usually the photographer will do this for you. You will then have a beautiful scrapbook from your wedding to hold your memories.
Choosing a photographer is a very important step in your wedding pictures. You want someone experienced that will do an excellent job for you. It's possible that you may be on a budget and price may be a factor as well.

How Do You Choose a Wedding Photographer?
There are several things you are going to want to look for with the most important being the quality of the work. It would be great if you could find a photographer that you had seen in action, perhaps at a family member or friend's wedding. The hardest part of choosing a wedding photographer is that you sign a contract and agree to pay before you have ever seen the photos. That's how it works in the world of wedding photography; you must make your decision based of faith in the photographer. So how do you make a decision like this?
First, you are going to want to look at referrals. Ask your friends or family members who did their weddings and start compiling a list. You will also need to verify that these people are still photographing. Ask everyone you can about their wedding and their wedding pictures. Most people will even let you see their wedding photos and you can check out the photographer's work.
Experience & Samples
Aside from samples from people you know, you can ask the photographer himself about samples. You can call the photographers on your list and do an interview over the phone or make an appointment to meet in person. This is your chance to ask the photographer any questions you may have such as their experience, what training they have and what different types of photography they have studied. If you are doing an in-person interview, the photographer can show you portfolios of samples of their work. If doing a phone interview, that ends well, you may want to go in person and see a portfolio.
Schedule and Appointment
When you have chose the photographer you think you want to use, you will have to schedule several appointments. The bride and groom, the bride's parents and anyone else who may be taking part in paying for the wedding should be present at these meetings regarding the wedding photography.
At these meetings, you will discuss price, payment schedule and possible deposits. Next you will discuss the plan for taking the photos. Many people also get video and digital photographs now. Do you want these? Will your photographer be able to provide these? Will there be extra fees?
Many people have specific plans as to what they want pictures of (e.g. bride and father coming down the aisle, bride and groom, rings exchanging, the kiss, the bridesmaids, etc.) This is your chance to get all this written down so that the photographer is sure to get all the shots you want. Other people give their photographers a little more freedom to decide what pictures will be good to take.
Be sure to ask any questions you have about this important event. Your wedding photography is important to you so don't hesitate to be clear about what you want.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why Hire A Wedding Designer?

As couples begin thinking about their wedding, they are often confused over how much to spend, where to obtain specialized services, and how to choose vendors. These worries often mount as quickly as the cost of the wedding. After the euphoria wears off and the reality settles in, it's shocking to discover how much preparation is involved. Couples are faced with decisions about everything from invitation wording to planning their honeymoon. Couples often find they want experienced professional help.
Not long ago, a wedding designer was thought of as a luxury, only used by the wealthy. Now a designer is an essential element of a well-planned affair. It is no longer "trendy" to engage someone to handle the details. Being experienced in negotiating contracts with caterers, florists, photographers, and other suppliers, the wedding designer saves you valuable time and money. The designer can take advantage of discounts not available to private parties and avoid costly mistakes, while turning your dreams into reality.

The average wedding can take more than two hundred and fifty hours to plan. With today's hectic lifestyles, you may not have time to compare all the options, making sure you get the best deal, and making sure all the details are in place.

Designers are not here to make decisions for you, but to guide and assist you in making informed decisions. Our training, knowledge, and experience will turn your dreams and expectations into reality. We want you to host a beautiful and distinctive event with no worries. Remember you should enjoy your wedding and remember it always as one of the greatest events of your life.

©2004, All Rights Reserved, Sasha Souza Events, Do not reproduce without permission from author.

Sasha Souza Events was first established in 1995 and specializes in full service wedding and event design. Today, Sasha Souza Events is an Master Bridal Consultant, distinguished member of the Association of Bridal Consultants (ABC).

In 2004, Sasha Souza was honored by Modern Bride Magazine as one of the top 25 trendsetters in the wedding industry... being included with top industry pros such as Colin Cowie Lifestyle, Preston Bailey Event Design, Ron Ben-Israel Cakes & Jane Packard Flowers. She was also asked by Antonia van der Meer, the editor of Modern Bride Magazine, to take on a role in the prestigious Modern Bride Advisory Panel. Being considered among the top event design & coordination companies in the nation is a great honor and Sasha Souza always strives to create unique, fun and interesting events for the guests to experience.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Summer Wedding Photography Ideas

Brides getting married this week are probably clapping their hands and jumping up and down with glee at the glorious sunshine we are having at the moment. Their wedding photographers are probably wringing their hands instead! Brilliant sunshine of the sort we are having at the moment, makes for challenging photography but a good photographer should have plenty of ideas for using the venue to its best while still getting some beautiful outside pictures.

So what is so difficult about taking photographs in bright sunlight? Firstly it's the lighting. Photographers like to be able to control the lighting, but when the sun is blazing down out of a clear blue sky, there is an awful lot of bright light coming from almost directly above. While the sun may be the light source, the whole sky acts like a reflector. If possible, arranging to have at least some of your photos taken early in the day, or just before sunset, would make for some beautiful shots, but that can be difficult if you want to include your guests. Otherwise, any way you can make the light slightly less direct would help. For example, if you the bridal party stands just in the shade of a building, or a tree, and the photographer stands in the sunshine, the light on the bridal party is softened slightly. Some stunning couple shots can be taken through open archways or doorways; either with the photographer standing outside in the sun, so the shot is more gently lit, or a silhouette style shot with the photographer further in the shade looking out at the sun through the couple. Reflectors can also help bounce the sunlight in the right direction.

One of the other problems with bright light is the reflections it causes. Whether it's windows reflecting the light, or one of your guests' glasses, it can spoil the light in the picture, and even if it doesn't, it is much better if you can see your guests eyes! In the case of windows it may just be a case of changing the angle slightly so the light doesn't bounce directly towards the camera. And your guest can always take their glasses off briefly!

Finally, squinting is a big problem with sunlight. The other issues can more easily be resolved by wedding photographers without causing an issue for yourself or your guests, or afterwards with judicious use of photo editing software, but you can't edit out a squint! Choosing the right angle so the light isn't irritating people's eyes can help, but often you will just need to take lots of shots and hopefully there will be a few without anyone squinting at the camera!